
A wallet configurator for Magic Link which allows integrating the wallet with React.

It returns a WalletConfig object which can be used to connect the wallet to via ConnectWallet component or useConnect hook as mentioned in Connecting Wallets guide


apiKey: "pk_test_123",
emailLogin: true,
smsLogin: true,
oauthOptions: {
providers: ["google", "facebook"],
redirectURI: "",
type: "auth", // or 'connect'
function magicLink(
): ConfiguredMagicLinkWallet;

Object containing the following properties to configure the wallet


Your Magic Link apiKey

You can get an API key by signing up for an account on Magic Link's website .

Must be a string

magicSdkConfiguration (optional)

Configuration for Magic Auth SDK

This is only relevant if you are using type: 'auth' in your config

locale?: string;
endpoint?: string;
testMode?: boolean;
  • locale - Customize the language of Magic's modal, email and confirmation screen. See Localization for more.

  • endpoint - A URL pointing to the Magic iframe application

  • testMode - Enable testMode to assert the desired behavior through the email address you provide to loginWithMagicLink without having to go through the auth flow.

smsLogin (optional)

Specify whether you want to allow users to login with their phone number or not. It is true by default

This is only relevant if you are using type: 'auth'

Must be a boolean

emailLogin (optional)

Specify whether you want to allow users to login with their email or not. It is true by default

This is only relevant if you are using type: 'auth'

Must be a boolean

oauthOptions (optional)

Specify which oauth providers you support in providers array.

Specify which URI to redirect to after the oauth flow is complete in redirectURI option. If no redirectURI is specified, the user will be redirected to the current page.

You must pass full URL and not just a relative path. For example, "" is valid but "/foo" is not. You can use new URL("/foo", window.location.origin).href to get the full URL from a relative path based on the current origin.

This is only relevant if you are using type: 'auth'

You also need to enable the oauth providers for your apiKey from Magic dashboard .

type OauthOptions = {
redirectURI?: string;
providers: OauthProvider[];
type OauthProvider =
| "google"
| "facebook"
| "apple"
| "github"
| "bitbucket"
| "gitlab"
| "linkedin"
| "twitter"
| "discord"
| "twitch"
| "microsoft";

recommended (optional)

Show this wallet as "recommended" in the ConnectWallet Modal UI


let returnType: ConfiguredMagicLinkWallet;