
Hook for getting the winning bid of an auction listing on a Marketplace contract.


import { useContract, useWinningBid } from "@thirdweb-dev/react";
function App() {
const { contract } = useContract(contractAddress, "marketplace");
const { data, isLoading, error } = useWinningBid(
function useWinningBid(
contract: RequiredParam<Marketplace>,
listingId: RequiredParam<BigNumberish>,
): UseQueryResult<undefined | Offer, unknown>;


Instance of a marketplace contract


let contract: RequiredParam<Marketplace>;

The ID of the listing to get the winning bid for. If the listing cannot be found, is not an auction listing, or is not active, the error property will be set.


let listingId: RequiredParam<BigNumberish>;


let returnType: UseQueryResult<undefined | Offer, unknown>;

Query result object that includes the Offer that is winning the auction The hook's data property, once loaded, is an object of type Offer , or undefined if no winning bid exists.

// The id of the listing.
listingId: BigNumberish;
// The address of the buyer who made the offer.
buyerAddress: string;
// The quantity of tokens to be bought.
quantityDesired: BigNumberish;
// The amount of coins offered per token.
pricePerToken: BigNumber;
// The `CurrencyValue` of the listing. Useful for displaying the price information.
currencyValue: CurrencyValue;
// The currency contract address of the offer token.
currencyContractAddress: string;
} | undefined;